
Tuesday 23 May 2017

Tennis Recunt

Learning Goal : we are learning to follow the structure  of a recount.
I can give my recount writing a title that tells the reader what the story will be about.
I can write an introduction with a good hook.
I can write a middle/body with different paragraphs.
I can write a conclusion with a personal comment.
I can leave a pace between the introduction, the middle/body paragraphs and the conclusion.

One cloudy day we had tennis our coach is name is Campbell.We had a little warmup we ran around the whole court.After that we had to stretch and then Coach Campbell talks to us about the lovely wonderful weather.
He said that he came with his tennis ball machine.

He said he is going to start with the girls so when they were doing that they had to catch the the ball with the cones.But the tennis ball machine shoots the solid balls like flash.After that girls it was the boys.We were better than the girls at catching it was hard but I catched it,I catched like Mike Trout when he catches the ball on baseball.

After that we had to catch it with our hands when it came to me it was as steel it bruised my hands but I still tried my best.But even though I didn’t always catch it.After that we finished he was just talking to us about how fast the tennis balls can go in the tennis ball machine and then we went back to class.

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