Activity 2: One Small Step for Man [4 points]
Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut and engineer. In 1969, Neil and his team of astronauts flew to the moon in a spacecraft called Apollo 11. When they arrived, Neil got out of the spacecraft and walked on the moon. He is the first person in history to walk on the moon! As Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, he famously said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
As you can imagine, landing on the moon is a very dangerous task. Many things can go wrong, and a number of astronauts have died attempting to land on the moon. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins (the three astronauts on Apollo 11) must have been extremely brave.
I always imagine that walking on the moon must be like jumping on the trampoline! Do you like jumping on a trampoline? My daughter Laila loves it!
As I made it to the moon, I was floating like a balloon. As I was floating in space I needed to tie my shoe lace. My face was so dirty so I wiped it with a rag then I hanged up my beautiful flag. As I entered the rocketship I heard beep but then suddenly I fell asleep.
Hi Christopher, this is Mrs Collins from Manaiakalani and I'll be commenting on blogs over term break. Well done on posting and participating in the SLJ this year. I really like the narrative you created about walking on the moon - would you REALLY like to walk on the moon? I'm not too sure I'd like the journey there... Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!